How To Use Creative Kids Vouchers For Guitar Lessons

creative kids guitar lessons

What IS A Creative Kids Voucher?

A Creative Kid’s Voucher is a voucher from the government that can be used towards creative services, such as guitar lessons with UGA. Businesses need to be registered with the Creative Kids program in order for vouchers to be used with that particular business. The government typically emails you the details, which you can then pass on to your guitar teacher.

Additionally, these voucher are for to be used for services, not products. This means that you wouldn’t be able to use a voucher to help purchase a guitar, but you could use it to purchase guitar lessons.

How Can I Get A Creative Kids Voucher?

Applications for Creative Kids vouchers can be made here via Services NSW. In order to qualify for a voucher, the student on the voucher must be:

  • a NSW resident
  • aged between 4.5 and 18 years
  • enrolled in school (from Kindergarten to Year 12, including those who are home-schooled or enrolled in secondary school education at TAFE NSW)
  • a current Medicare card holder.

When applying for a Creative Kids voucher, keep in mind that the participant’s name should be on the voucher and parent/guardian names can be listed separately.

How Do I Use A Creative Kids Voucher?

Services NSW should email the voucher to you, then you just need to send us the following details:

  • Voucher number
  • Student name (exactly as it appears on the voucher)
  • Student date of birth (this is not included on the voucher)

Once the voucher has been sent to your provider, you can then pay any remaining outstanding balances (if any). There’s no need to wait for an updated invoice, unless you’d specifically like one.

It’s handy to note that these vouchers are not the same as receiving a $100 discount. This is because it still qualifies as turnover for the business that receives it, so they still need to account for it. At UGA, our system will invoice students the full amount, then the $100 voucher simply acts like $100 cash that’s applied to the invoice.

In Summary

Once you have obtained a Creative Kids voucher from Services NSW, send the details through to your guitar teacher and then pay any remaining balances as per usual.

Ensure that the following are on the voucher:

  • Student Name (exactly as it appears on the voucher)
  • Voucher Number
  • Student’s date of birth (this is not included on the voucher, but is needed for processing)

Anyone with any questions regarding the Creative Kids vouchers should contact Services NSW or send us an email here.

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