Good Practice Habits

Practice. It’s what makes us better at things (like guitar!). But we can’t all practice for 8 hours every day. Here are some tips to make your home practice session as effective and easy as possible!

Make A Routine!

Make a routine that is the minimum amount that you practice. Once the routine is finished, you can then put the guitar away or keep on playing if you wish. Your routine should start off with exercises, scales, sight reading and then songs at the end. If you’re unsure exactly what to practice, use the content from your current grade or simply ask your UGA Teacher!

Leave Your Guitar Set Up!

Wherever you practice, leave your guitar set up, tuned and ready to go! This reduces a barrier to practice!

Have A Dedicated Space!

Depending on how much space you can make available at home, find a corner somewhere so that it can be your own small “guitar studio”. Leave your gear here and as mentioned above – keep it all set up and ready to go!

Leave Your Guitar Around The TV!

Without irritating everyone else in your family, you could leave your guitar near the TV (or perhaps a spare TV that only you use). You can get some practice in during ad breaks or even while you watch an episode something you enjoy. This isn’t the most ideal way to practice, but it means you can relax while jamming on some cool songs!


Play Along!

Play as many of your songs as possible along with the music. Buy the song on iTunes, download it off Spotify or even just search for it on Youtube!


Make an iTunes playlist of songs that you’re working on and play through it daily – that can be your guitar practice time. This is extremely effective because you’ll spend almost your entire practice time playing the guitar, rather than flicking through pages or getting distracted! These days, you can even make a playlist on YouTube.

Use A Stopwatch!

Time your guitar practice to make sure you’re getting enough. Use a stopwatch on your iPhone or iPad to help keep track!

Were these tips useful? Do you have any additional ideas? Feel free to contact us!

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